Nomination Committee

In May 2005, the Company's nomination committee was established with written terms of reference to ensure fair and transparent procedures for the appointment of directors to the Board. The nomination committee comprises at least three members, the majority of whom shall be independent non-executive directors of the Company.

The nomination committee is mainly responsible for:

  1. review of the structure, size and composition (including the skills, knowledge and experience) of the Board on a regular basis and make recommendations to the Board regarding any proposed changes;
  2. identification of individuals suitably qualified to become Board members and selection of, or making recommendations to the Board on the selection of, individuals nominated for directorships;
  3. assessment of the independence of independent non-executive directors; and
  4. making recommendations to the Board on relevant matters relating to the appointment or re-appointment of directors and succession planning for directors in particular the chairman and the chief executive officer.

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